Pregnancy & Postpartum Fitness

We understand the unique physical and emotional journey that women go through during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Whether you are looking for individual support, group fitness options, yoga or weights- we want to connect you with the resources to meet your individual needs.

Meet our Preferred Trainers

Tiffany Harlan, ACE CPT (she/her)
Prenatal and Postnatal Fitness Specialist

Tiffany brings a wealth of knowledge and a deep commitment to her clients. With a Bachelor's in Sports & Exercise Science and a Master's in Education, Tiffany is well-equipped to guide you through your wellness journey. Her own experience of giving birth in 2022 led her to pursue certification as a Prenatal and Postnatal Fitness Specialist. Tiffany's holistic approach includes:

  • Healthy Nutrition Education: Learn the importance of nourishing your body during and after pregnancy.

  • Proper Weight Training Technique: Safely build strength and stamina.

  • Motivation and Discipline: Stay motivated and committed to your wellness goals.